Satoshi Labs Just Launched The Trezor Model T

Satoshi Labs Just Launched The Trezor Model T As decentralization becomes takes a hold of the financial space, the benefits of third party-less financial transactions are being realized. No fees, no intermediary, all that sort of thing. Of course, with any shift like this, there are certain downsides associated with the shift. In this instance, the primary downside is the necessity to keep on top of your own capital security. While banks will hold cash in vaults and insurance companies make sure you can at least get a portion of your capital back if it goes missing, the same isn’t true of Bitcoin. If you lose your private keys, that's it. The industry standard storage device in this sector right now is a device called Trezor . A Trezor device is a hardware wallet that allows for offline storage of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, and it has developed a strong following in the sector. The latest news on this front is that Satoshi Labs, the company behind the Trezor , has finalized the production of a new, upgraded device. So what's new? The device, called the Trezor Model T, will have an RGB LCD touchscreen and contain an RM Cortex-M4 processor. This is a huge step up from the monochrome screen of the initial iteration of the device and it's likely going to create a considerable amount of demand for the upgraded system as and when it hits shelves. The Labs had this to say: “ When you first hold the Trezor model T, the first thing you will notice is the staple of the model T — its large touchscreen… Plug your new Trezor in, and the screen will illuminate you, showing off its vibrant colors, waiting for your instructions.” The Trezor Model T is now available for preorder, with an initial batch of 3,000 due to ship during January 2018 for $139. Beyond that, the price will rise to $149.


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